Ichinen Bridport is the best-known school to study traditional Jiu-Jitsu in Bridport. For those who are after the tough and streetwise self defence, Ichinen Bridport offers the right training

11 December 2012
Another year of good training
Hi folks, another year of good training with Master Horst comes to an end. Last session on Tuesday at Loders Village Hall will be the 18th of December, as the following Tuesdays are Christmas day and New Years day. Remember, there wasn't so far any break in the sessions on Tuesdays. So use the free time and maybe study some in theory. There are a lot of books available and too lots of U-tube clips on the Internet. Never stop for real!
05 December 2012
Bring a friend and safe money
Sign up a friend and get three months of superb Jiu-Jitsu education for free. Self defense becomes more and more important. Don't waste any time. Join today! there are lots of free vouchers available now in and around Bridport. See the Sport Shop @ East Street, the Trading Post @ South Street, No.10 Cafe Bar and many more places. Or ring 01308-459781.
If you go on Bridport Radio website, find the vouchers, print one out which suits you and ring 01308-459781 to get a serial number registered.
17 November 2012
A side kick is a side kick is a side kick...
Those who know me better, might think now he favours football. But in this case, when an Argentine footballer used a side kick to his fellow playmates, I must admit, football sometimes produces incredible martial art techniques. Just remember Eric Cantona.
And this is the pure kick in a dojo. The footballer used a version with a little jump.
And this is the pure kick in a dojo. The footballer used a version with a little jump.
06 November 2012
They used pick-axe handles, baseball bats, hammers and knives
The Guardian online reported about the killing of two students in southern France, which took only two minutes.
…Kevin N. and Sofiane T., both 21, were attacked in a park on Friday night for reasons that are still unclear, but local accounts suggested it was because one of their younger brothers had looked at someone "the wrong way" outside school. A crowd of around 12 young men, believed to include teenagers, hit the men with pick-axe handles, baseball bats, hammers and knives, taking two minutes to kill one, while the other died shortly after in hospital…
The full story you can read here http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/oct/02/france-killings-two-students-hollande
And don't think, oh well, that's France. Unfortunately it can happen anywhere. And unfortunately it happens.
Here at Ichinen Bridport we learn to fight attackers they are armed too.
Photo: "Weapons of death", to perform a Jiu-Jitsu Kata.
17 October 2012
Uk Martial Arts Register
Our school too is registered with the largest UK register of Martial Art clubs http://www.martialartsregister.co.uk/clubdetail.asp?id=1268 . Have a look.
16 October 2012
Want a fight??
As a Martial Artist you can be challenged sometimes to use the arts or your strength. I been in a local pub and somebody asked, if I would take up with him to do arm wrestling, as people say how good I was in sports. He was about 2 stone bigger than me and of cause I turned him down. (even if he would have been a light weight).
This kind of competition is not only useless, it doesn't say anything at all about the winner or looser. Martial Arts is not about competing with an opponent in pubs or elsewhere. It is about yourself and when it comes to the real world, maybe for good self defense reasons.
Similar situation happened last night. A guy bumped into me on the street and tried to bully me. "Don't you know who I am?" he asked me. I just questioned him if he would know who I am. And this reaction took him by surprise.Finally he calmed down and went off. Later I learned he was a local gangster. Ok.
But read this:
King Hsuan of Chou heard of Po-Kung-I, who was reputed to be the strongest man in his kingdom. The King was dismayed when they met, since Po looked so weak. When the King asked Po how strong he was, Po said mildly, " I can break the leg of a spring grasshopper and withstand the winds of an autumn cicada."
Aghast, the King thundered, " I can tear rhinoceros leather and drag nine buffaloes by the tail, yet I am shamed by my weakness. How can you be famous?"
Po smiled and answered quietly, " My teacher was Tzu shang-chi'ui, whose strength was without peer in the world, but even his relatives never knew it because he never used it."
Photo: Don Wilson seminar May 2009, Germany
Text read this: From the book "Zen in the Martial Arts", by Joe Hyams
12 October 2012
08 October 2012
Ichinen Bridport 4th Kyu / Orange belt
The aim of our training at Ichinen Bridport is 98 % self defense orientated. 2% you can count on fun and fitness ;-)
4th Kyu / Orange belt 2012/2013
Break falls
Roll forward, backward roll, roll sideways,
fall forward, -back and sideways and 2 rolls over an obstacle
1 foot throw + hold on the ground
1 hip throw + follow up technique
1 shoulder throw + follow up technique
3 defenses against strangle hold
3 strangling holds
2 hold down + 1 liberation
2 transport grips
2 wrist locks
2 knife defenses
Throat nerve press, control attacker
2 arm locks
5 self defenses in emergency situation
3 Karate techniques
3 Boxing techniques
3 defenses against various weapons/objects
Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Anti-Terrorkampf, Karate, Grading system, natural + unnatural weapons, self defense and the law, Japanese terms, Dojo etiquette, 1.aid.
Minimum training required is 3 months.
03 October 2012
Congratulation Chinnor!
Master Horst Lindenau and Colin Poole - AMA certificate |
Congratulations and keep it going. Well done!
26 July 2012
Jiu-Jitsu is the mother of Judo too
As Steve Reynolds moved with his students of Spirit Combat to Bridport, we now can have an earlier start at the Loders Village Hall. Jiu-Jitsu training will start now at 7 o'clock, Tuesdays.
Photo: Master Horst Lindenau 1995 in Poole for the green belt grading in Judo with the British Judo Association.
10 May 2012
Soon gradings at Ichinen Bridport
Probably next month there will be a grading for two students at our club. They have trained hard and the syllabus so far looks good. In details they have to show to achieve the yellow belt grading in Jiu-Jitsu as follows:
5th Kyu / Yellow belt 2010/2013
Break falls
Roll forward, backward roll, roll sideways,
fall forward and 1 roll over an obstacle
2 feet - or hip throws
1 defense against strangle hold
2 strangling holds
Ear nerve press
1 hold down
1 wrist lock liberation
1 wrist lock
Side kick / defense against knife attack
Throat nerve press, control attacker
2 arm locks
Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Anti-Terrorkampf, Grading system, self defense and the law,
Japanese terms, Dojo etiquette, 1.aid basics
This is the beginner’s first step into the Martial Art Jiu-Jitsu. Here at Ichinen Bridport we teach the art not for sport or take part in champion chips, but purely for self defense and well being, self discipline and individual growth. Minimum training required is 3 months. Student must have a Gi.
Gradings are approved by the AMA and Master Horst D. Lindenau.
5th Kyu / Yellow belt 2010/2013
Break falls
Roll forward, backward roll, roll sideways,
fall forward and 1 roll over an obstacle
2 feet - or hip throws
1 defense against strangle hold
2 strangling holds
Ear nerve press
1 hold down
1 wrist lock liberation
1 wrist lock
Side kick / defense against knife attack
Throat nerve press, control attacker
2 arm locks
Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Anti-Terrorkampf, Grading system, self defense and the law,
Japanese terms, Dojo etiquette, 1.aid basics
This is the beginner’s first step into the Martial Art Jiu-Jitsu. Here at Ichinen Bridport we teach the art not for sport or take part in champion chips, but purely for self defense and well being, self discipline and individual growth. Minimum training required is 3 months. Student must have a Gi.
Gradings are approved by the AMA and Master Horst D. Lindenau.
05 May 2012
Being prepared is better than not
Thank you Lewis for your views about the article in the Bridport News regarding the knife seminar last month. What the police officer said in the article is fine, but I too have a different opinion about it. Fact is, when I came to Bridport more than 20 years ago (where's the the time gone?), the local Bobbies wore their traditional uniforms (as seen on TV). Today police officers in Bridport wear on night duty, stab west, leather gloves and taser gun. That's how the situation has changed. And why should the individual not prepare himself too for the changed situation and "being prepared"?
17 April 2012
Ichinen Bridport and a bit of history of our club
This poster was in use in 1995 to promote the Anti-Terrorkampf class (ATK) in Bridport by Master Horst Lindenau. By than Horst was still a member of the Budo-Akademie-Europa (BAE). The good thing was, that we had a real Dojo at the back of West Allington roundabout.
I publish the poster today again to show the signet of the Ichinen Bridport, which is in use by Master Horst since 1989. Today we train only once a week at the Loders Village Hall and it is now Jiu-Jitsu, rather than only ATK. Jiu-Jitsu is the "mother of all Japanese based martial arts" and gives the one who is willing to study this art a very wide range of techniques and it is ideal for the purpose of self defense.
11 April 2012
Knife defense seminar in the Bridport News
This is what the Bridport News reported about the knife seminar for the No 10 staff. Although the Bridport police says, that crime and violence is not a big issue for our town, I know what I witness and what I have seen over the last 20 years here. It has gone worse, that's for sure. Just think about the police officers them self. 20 years ago they been dressed like you and me, today the wear safety armour and pepper spray and some have these electric shockers. And it was not only once I have seen ( first time last year) armed officers on East Street, because of the violence. Ok, they have a statistic, which tells us, Bridport crime has gone down. But haven't we learned that already at school? Only trust a statistic, which is done by yourself! I prefer rather to be safe than sorry.
01 April 2012
Knife defense at Ichinen Bridport
No 10 Cafe Bar in Bridport has commissioned me to hold knife defense classes for its door staff and bar managers. Following several incidents in the town involving attacks on members of the public with knifes, No 10 has decided that although no incidents have happened at No 10 it is prudent that its responsible staff receive relevant training to cope with such incidents.
They say: “Horst D. Lindenau is a highly qualified Master of the arts of self defense who believes that the best way to defuse any situation should not involve violence. It is now necessary with the current wave of offences with knifes that anyone who is potentially exposed to such situations should be trained to cope with them.”
The first class was last Friday the 30th of March held at the Salt House in West Bay and was attended by Paul Hindes landlord of No 10, by Mutter Slater the manager, Ray Dean the doorman and Linden Norman, a qualified doorman.
The class last Friday included various kinds of defense techniques against knife attack. There was also training in the psychology of someone armed and violent, the law in relation to self defense, first aid practice in respect of knife wounds and training in the defusing of violent situations. As it is clearly impossible to get enough information and skills on one seminar only, especially with this subject, everybody who attended the workshop was given two vouchers, each valid for 4 sessions of further training with Master Horst at the regular Jiu-Jitsu class on Tuesdays.
The thinking inspiring the action above was that it was best for No 10 as an employer and host to the general public to be prepared for the worst in the hope and desire that it would all improve unnecessary. The kind of behavior making this necessary has been spreading throughout the country. Anyone who feels that they too could benefit from further training should ring Horst on 01308-459781.
They say: “Horst D. Lindenau is a highly qualified Master of the arts of self defense who believes that the best way to defuse any situation should not involve violence. It is now necessary with the current wave of offences with knifes that anyone who is potentially exposed to such situations should be trained to cope with them.”
The first class was last Friday the 30th of March held at the Salt House in West Bay and was attended by Paul Hindes landlord of No 10, by Mutter Slater the manager, Ray Dean the doorman and Linden Norman, a qualified doorman.
The class last Friday included various kinds of defense techniques against knife attack. There was also training in the psychology of someone armed and violent, the law in relation to self defense, first aid practice in respect of knife wounds and training in the defusing of violent situations. As it is clearly impossible to get enough information and skills on one seminar only, especially with this subject, everybody who attended the workshop was given two vouchers, each valid for 4 sessions of further training with Master Horst at the regular Jiu-Jitsu class on Tuesdays.
The thinking inspiring the action above was that it was best for No 10 as an employer and host to the general public to be prepared for the worst in the hope and desire that it would all improve unnecessary. The kind of behavior making this necessary has been spreading throughout the country. Anyone who feels that they too could benefit from further training should ring Horst on 01308-459781.
27 March 2012
The uniform of the Jiujitsuka. Today: The belt
Traditional we wear a Gi in Jiu-Jitsu which is held together by a belt. The Jiu-Jitsu Gi is very much the same than the Judo Gi. Find out about it on Wikipedia.org/wiki/Judogi
The belt holds the jacket of the Gi together and comes in different colours. At Ichinen Bridport we use the basic traditional variations of colours. White for the beginner, followed with each grading by yellow, orange, green, blue and the highest student belt/grading would be brown. Master belts are black and if there is a 10th Dan Master grade, the belt would be white and light pink. This indicates the circle; back to white...
Well, and for the beginner one of the hurdles to take is to bind this belt in the right way. There are only a few difficult tasks to learn in Jiu-Jitsu. First is, go through this door... and join the training! Second are the rolls and falls. That takes some time to learn . And third it's how to bind the belt. But don't worry, you will learn it and once manage to do the knot and you attend regular to the training, you do it a lot and you'll never forget it.
Why I write about this today? Sometimes I bring a little boy to his Taekwondo training and he wears already his uniform. And as his belt was done wrong, I helped him to correct it and thought, yes, that's nothing new. Many students struggle with belt binding ... so look at the graphic above or come along. Jiu-Jitsu in Bridport every Thursday at 7.00 and 8.45 pm. See you there!
20 March 2012
The logo of Ichinen Bridport
As our Jiu-Jitsu group is growing fast, I thought to introduce the original Ichinen logo, used in all my other Martial Art Clubs (SDS Bremen, Ichinen Bremen at Jacobs University), to give the family of the Bridport Jiu-Jitsukas a distinctive sign.
This Ichinen Emblem was created by myself, after my first black belt grading and when I run my first Martial Art School in Bremen / Germany, the SDS Bremen. That was actually the time, before I first came to Bridport. And therefor we had a German-English Seminar under the Union Jack and the German flag and I passed my very first school over to one of my students, who had just received his first black belt (1. Dan) in Jiu-Jitsu.
Foto: Master Horst Lindenau passes his self defense school SDS Bremen / Germany over to his former student Frank Burdorf, who just passed his first black belt grading in Jiu-Jitsu. After this seminar Master Horst left for Bridport.
10 February 2012
30 January 2012
Running - the most effective way to keep fit
As a martial artist, you need a lot of endurance and physical power. I keep it with the legend Bruce Lee. He said, running is the best way to stay fit. It not enough just to do the regular martial art session. If one wants to be fit, the easy way to do so is, go out and run.
That reminds me again of the "Bridport Harriers". No evidence to find, they seem to be gone. I really liked the way they used to run together. Is it more than 15 years ago? We all met up and had a good workout. So, I thought why not reinvent this good procedure? If anybody interested to have some rounds together, come and join me. Regular time 6pm, every Monday, start at St.Swithun's Corner shop, North Allington. Full round will be one hour and beginners can stop after 30 minutes.
That reminds me again of the "Bridport Harriers". No evidence to find, they seem to be gone. I really liked the way they used to run together. Is it more than 15 years ago? We all met up and had a good workout. So, I thought why not reinvent this good procedure? If anybody interested to have some rounds together, come and join me. Regular time 6pm, every Monday, start at St.Swithun's Corner shop, North Allington. Full round will be one hour and beginners can stop after 30 minutes.
23 January 2012
Self defence becomes more important
Photo: Selection of training knifes as used in Jiu-Jitsu and Self Defense Training.
As a teacher and black belt holder in the German radical self defense style of "Anti-Terrorkampf", I know what I am talking about. Attacks with knifes and knife like objects are not only severely dangerous, it also requires a lot more to defend yourself against this specific violence.
You only need to have a look at our local news papers and you find reports of recent knife attacks on members of the public.
The news paper cut here on the left is from the Bridport News two weeks ago, but I guess everybody knows what I am writing about. It is a big concern in the community. Well, personally I do not favour to get more armed as the crime is growing around us. But as an expert on self defence and a Martial arts teacher for meanwhile 23 years, I like to offer you answers to this unpleasant development. The answer is: Learn the art of self defence and stay safe. What I mean is, as better you are prepared against a situation which might risk your health or even life, as less likely it will be, that such a situation can harm you. In my Jiu-Jitsu lessons held at Loders Village Hall every Tuesday at 7 pm and in Bridport at the British Legion hall 7 pm you will learn these skills. Beginners very welcome! Age up from 16 years upwards.
17 January 2012
Something I do not quite understand
Tonight is the restart for the Jiu-Jitsu this year in Bridport. After a short break of nearly four weeks I look forward to a good session of Fitness training, a bit of wrestling and grabbing and of course work on some Jiu-Jitsu techniques.
What makes me thinking is the fallen number of students over the years. And very contrary to this development I notice the change in the streets. When I came first to Bridport in 1988, there was hardly any, or better said, no fighting at all in the streets or in the pubs of Bridport. And now? About 25 years past? Nearly every Saturday the kids perform some aggressive and sometimes violent action. Mainly around East Street and late night. But as there were many people interested in studying Martial Arts in the old days, today it looks like they can't be bothered.
Instead, I was asked to teach the doormen crew of a popular pub some knife defense techniques.Ok, that can be done, but it would be better, teach the folks the same. The first thing a Jiu-Jitsuka learns: The best fight is the one which never happens.
This was an article in the Bridport News from April 1993, when I moved to Symondsbury near Bridport and started teaching Martial Arts in Bridport.
What makes me thinking is the fallen number of students over the years. And very contrary to this development I notice the change in the streets. When I came first to Bridport in 1988, there was hardly any, or better said, no fighting at all in the streets or in the pubs of Bridport. And now? About 25 years past? Nearly every Saturday the kids perform some aggressive and sometimes violent action. Mainly around East Street and late night. But as there were many people interested in studying Martial Arts in the old days, today it looks like they can't be bothered.
Instead, I was asked to teach the doormen crew of a popular pub some knife defense techniques.Ok, that can be done, but it would be better, teach the folks the same. The first thing a Jiu-Jitsuka learns: The best fight is the one which never happens.
This was an article in the Bridport News from April 1993, when I moved to Symondsbury near Bridport and started teaching Martial Arts in Bridport.
07 January 2012
New course for Jiu-Jitsu starts soon
New course for Jiu-Jitsu will start in 10 days time with Master Horst Lindenau at the Loders Village Hall.
Date: 17.01.2012
Time: 08.15 pm
Where: Loders Village Hall, Loders, Bridport
Booking or any further information: Tel. 01308-459781
This class is held by Master Horst Lindenau. He is a Jiu-Jitsu black belt holder and Master of 5 other Martial Art Styles. This will guarantee you the very best knowledge and tuition for self defense, fitness and Budo. Horst is a teacher for Meditation and Yoga too. As a sports teacher with a German diploma you can be sure, you are in the right hands.
The Jiu-Jitsu class offers traditionell teaching and will include self defense techniques from the German system Anti-Terrorkampf. This is a radical and straight forward combat system. Horst Lindenau is a holder of the second Dan in this school.
The class is suitable for everyone who is fit for sports in general. All ages older than 18 years are very welcome. And even if you haven't done anything for ages... Horst will sort you out.
One lesson costs Pounds 5.00 and if you join the group your first lesson will be refunded. There is an insurance cover with the AMA. You need just some loose clothing to start with.
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