Showing posts with label Ichinen Bridport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ichinen Bridport. Show all posts

25 September 2024

Very good progress at Bridport Jiu-Jitsu school

 Big congratulations to Luke Eckett (eight) from Ichinen Bridport martial arts🥋🥋🥋Luke earned himself the 4th Kyu orange belt in the juniors Jiu-Jitsu group. He traines with us since January 2023. Grading partner was James Allen (12) from Beaminster. Very well done boys!


Young Tiger from Bridport passed his grading and is now a 5th Kyu yellow belt in traditionell Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. Tiger joint Ichinen Bridport martial arts in October last year. His grading partner was Jago Saines who is a 2nd Kyu blue belt.
Big congratulations to Tiger from all of us!


20 June 2024

Martial art is the most effective physical outwork

 "Martial art is the most effective physical outwork", says Master Horst Lindenau (4th Dan Jiu-Jitsu). Why would that be?

At Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu we train the whole, body and mind. When it comes to the fitness level, our training produces an all-round approach. When people join any single kind of sports activity, they assume this will do all for them. Joggers, weightlifter, tennis players and so on.

Just think of swimming, it doesn't build up muscles. The weightlifter lacks in endurance. 

While martial arts, especially traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu covers all aspects.

and don't you forget the mind...

You can join us  by contacting Master Horst on 07968-235486 to arrange a trial session.

Training regular is on Thursdays for seniors and juniors.



19 February 2024

Jiu-Jitsu is the all-round fighting system

 Why is that?

At our Bridport based martial arts school "Ichinen Bridport" we train traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. This is not a sport, its a way of life. We focus on self defence skills, physical and mental fitness and well being and trust in friendship with each other. 

Discipline, respect, endurance, hard training and focussing on targets. Set up by yourself and your Sensei.

Jiu-Jitsu is not this fancy dress rolling on the floor around sport, but a way of life in the tradition of the ancient warriors. 

We train continuously our all-round techniques. We do:



Chokes and strangling

Nerve grips

All legal natural weapons

All unnatural weapons





Hold downs

Close combat

Out door training

* and keep on mind: Karate, Aikido and Judo were made from Jiu-Jitsu >>> 

the mother of all Japanese originated martial arts.

09 February 2024

Ewan Roe achieved 6th Kyu Jiu-Jitsu in Bridport

12 year old Ewan Roe from Westbay / Bridport passed his first grading on the 8th of February 2024. Ewan joined Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu for children first in 2019, but than the miraculous Covid scam stopped the whole country to do what everyone wanted to do and consequently Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu had to stop the children's classes. 

Now Ewan caught up with this long break and did a very good grading with his partner Marlow (5th Kyu). Master Horst Lindenau from Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu: "Big congratulations my boy! Keep on going!" 

Martial arts is a great way to develop children's abilities, both mental and physical. and on a long term, they learn good self defence skills too.

03 December 2023

Master Horst Lindenau earns 4th Dan Jiu-Jitsu

Bridport martial artist Horst Lindenau received his 4th Dan after a waiting time of four years after his last grading in 2019. Master Horst is today the highest decorated martial arts teacher in Bridport with over 40 years of teaching experience, both adults and children.

These are his current qualifications:

6th Dan Anti Terror Combat

6th Dan BlackCombat

4th Dan Jiu-Jitsu

2nd Dan Anti-Terrorkampf (German based style)

Diploma sports teacher

Congratulations Master Horst!

13 November 2023

Bridport juniors train traditional Jiu-Jitsu

 Jiu-Jitsu master Horst Lindenau started teaching children in Bridport over 30 years ago. Master Horst came over from Germany, where he was educated in the art of Jiu-Jitsu and under supervision of late Grandmaster Horst Weiland (10th Dan) learned how to run children classes successfully.

Today we train in Bridport at the St.Catherines primary school. Every Thursday at 0546 pm.

If you like to get involved ring or text 07968-235486

 Currently 3 spaces open. 

07 November 2023

Life is a fight - if so, you be better prepared!

Here at Ichinen Bridport, meanwhile the oldest martial arts school in Bridport, we take self defence serious. If you study martial arts and there is no effective weapon training involved, you taking a challenge. Today's street violence and domestic abuse calls for professional training and advise. Ichinen Bridport  Jiu-Jitsu every Thursday.

18 October 2023

Explore the world through martial arts

If I wouldn't have all my various projects to work on and they need to be completed as planned... honestly another good plan is to travel the world. Just hitch hike in my Gi and visit a worldwide list of martial arts places. Dojos, events, important people and so on. 

Everybody could do so. Come and join Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu. Learn the basics and off you go!


15 March 2023

Bridport Jiu-Jitsu master retired

Big change at Ichinen Bridport. Our Master Lewis A. Harris, 2nd Dan Jiu-Jitsu has retired from active training. Lewis trained with us since 2014, after he finished 8 years of Krav Maga training and was a 1st Kyu in Kyukoshin Kai Karate. He achieved the 2nd Dan in BlackCombat. Lewis will be 71 years and has trained active until now. Jiu-Jitsu at Ichinen Bridport keeps young!

He always supported everybody with his experience and great martial arts attitude. And he hardly ever missed a session. Even when he couldn't train he attended the class and watched. Now his membership upgraded to a membership of honour and Lewis will assist the club when required, such as gradings and special occasions. We all miss you on the mat and wish you all well for the future! Thank you Lewis for all your good work!

And now we go altogether to his favourite Indian, the Taj Mahal in Bridport and celebrate a bit. All the very best for the future Master Lewis!

Lewis graduated as 2nd Dan Jiu-Jitsu in 2022. Photo shows Master Horst Lindenau presents his certificate and his grading partners from left Mike Beaumont-Eves, Mark Butt and Paul Blake.

                                                Lewis as a new brown belt Jiu-Jitsu

Lewis receives the "member of the month" certificate from Master Horst Lindenau from Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu in 2017

05 April 2022

As we say at Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu: No children - no future!


 Foto: Young Jago in the center holding his grading certificate. Big congratulations Jago!


March 31st Jago Saines (12) from Broadwindsor became a 5th Kyu Jiu-Jitsu at Ichinen Bridport. Young Jago is a member of the Jiu-Jitsu children group and already joined in September 2019. He had to take a long break from his training due to the lockdown and enjoys now every minute at our new Dojo in the St. Catherine's school in Bridport.

January 2020 Jago received his 6th Kyu Jiu-Jitsu from Master Horst Lindenau 3rd Dan.


02 January 2021

Happy new year to all martial artists all over the world.


Just another year is gone with the 2020 and if you are not making any changes to your action 2021 won't be much different.

As the legend master Bruce Lee said:"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of".

I wish you all a happy new year, with lots of training and love and peace!

03 December 2018

A fighter needs to be healthy

To perform good martial arts one needs a perfect health.
How can I be and stay in good health?
Ichinen Bridport offers real life coaching too. Self defence is all about how to manage your own life effective and safe.

A few tips what to do:
1. Do a morning gymnastic. 6 days a week! Only takes 5 minutes.
2. Get always up early and eat a good healthy breakfast.
3. Never smoke and use any drugs, that includes tablets. Only drink very moderate.
4. Spend lots of time outdoors. Nature, walks, garden etc.
5. Train martial arts at least twice the week.

Just an idea...

21 May 2018

GDPR Data Protection Legislation - your legal rights and protection

Important, please read and confirm notice

GDPR Data Protection Legislation

Dear Member,
A new data privacy law is being introduced in the UK in May. As a result, we are publishing a new Privacy Notice to make it easier for you to find out how Ichinen Bridport uses and protects your personal data.

The Privacy Notice provides additional information about what we do and sets out your rights in line with the General Data Protection Regulation including information such as:
your increased rights in relation to the information we hold about you
the legal basis on which we collect data about you, how we collect it and use it
how long we retain your data

The Privacy Notice will apply to any services we provide to you and is effective from 25 May 2018. It ensures we continue to comply with privacy law and regulation. There are no changes to your terms and conditions. If we make changes to these, we will let you know.

Confidentiality and GDPR Data Protection

When you share your personal information with us, you have a right to expect that information to be treated with total confidentiality. Therefore, it is our responsibility to manage your personal data that you provide to us with care and in accordance with all data protection legislation and industry best practice.

Whether you have supplied your personal details online, by phone, by email or in a letter, we will never use them without a lawful reason to do so. We will use your personal data for the purposes for which they were initially requested and as fully explained in this Privacy Policy.

All information about you of a sensitive or personal nature will be treated as private and
confidential. We will however use and disclose the information we have about you in the course of arranging, placing and administering your insurance. This may involve passing information about you to insurers, other intermediaries, risk management assessors, uninsured loss recovery agencies and other third parties involved (directly or indirectly) in your insurance. We may with your permission also pass information about you to other Ichinen Bridport Members which are in, or are associated with, our school.

If you do not wish to receive information from them, or for us to disclose information
about you to other parties, please contact us immediately. In the interests of security and to
improve our service, telephone calls may be monitored and/or recorded.

24 October 2016

IMASA is our new martial arts organisation

Hi all,

will you please bring your record book of the AMA to next trainings so I can collect them and transfer all your entries, gradings, seminars and achievements into the new IMASA licence & grading book.

The insurance is already active for everybody as I have paid for you upfront. Fee would be between £ 10 and £ 3, depending on date of membership with AMA. Nobody pays double as Ichinen Bridport substitutes any overpayment.

This is the webpage of IMASA

And this is their Facebook page

Everyone who brings the old record book and the fee will receive the new book plus a new badge.

18 February 2016

At Ichinen Bridport we take 1st aid serious

To improve the safety of our local Bridport martial art school, we have introduced now the position of a "first aid officer". Our  member Trevor Barton is from now on in that role. Trevor is fully trained and certified and will assist Master Horst Lindenau in the future with any issues they might occur regarding first aid and safety of the school.

Master Horst Lindenau just passed a refresher course for the martial art first aid and as the chief coach of Ichinen Bridport self defence school he will be still fully in charge and responsible anything regarding health and safety of the club and the first aid in general.

08 February 2015

Meditation is an act of simplicity

Meditation on a rock visiting Vietnam

Meditation is nothing complicated. A retired fisherman who sits at the harbour with a glass of tea and watches the world goes by or an old lady sitting in front of the fire and knits... they both do a kind of meditation. 

It becomes more complicated if you are not one of both. In our today’s fast paced complicated world, being simple has become a lost art I would say. With Ichinen Bridport and Master Horst you can get assistance to learn for yourself to find the way you always had on mind you should go.

31 January 2015

Master Horst Lindenau is a trained doorman too

It is already a year ago since I passed my doorman training at the academy in Taunton. To teach Martial Arts  as self defence too as we do at Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu, it requires a lot of training and several qualifications for the instructors. Next I have to do is the CRB check again. Than soon the 1. aid is due, followed by the renewal seminar as a coach. 

But you as a student don't need to worry about all this. You just concentrate on your path. Growing with Jiu-Jitsu.

28 January 2015

Knifing in a town nearby

Update  >>> 
Anti Terror Combat is now called BlackCombat!

Last Sunday a 28 year old man got stabbed five times in the town nearby during a street fight with a 41 year old man.

It all happened late night at about 2.30 am and the trouble started outside a pub and then continued along through three streets, ending with the stabbing.

Again that reminds me to a comment of the local police here, that our town doesn't need seminars,
teaching knife defence. Then I was holding a special knife defence seminar for Bridport door staff.

The younger man has been seriously injured, as to read in the daily paper. Of course, knifes can injure very badly. Interesting what a local councillor commented. He said:” We do have trouble in town centre on different occasions, that’s true. Our biggest problem is the lack of police in the town at night.

My answer to that, better safe than sorry. Get prepared. Times are not getting better unfortunately and the evil crime swoops over from big towns. Learn the art of self defence here at Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu with Master Horst Lindenau. Former Anti-Terror-Kampf Master (from Germany) and Anti Terror Combat chief instructor. Every Thursday in Bridport. Martial Arts for you! Starts 7.00 pm.

This is a selection of nasty weapons you can get confronted with nowadays in a street fight

24 January 2015

What drives someone to commit a violent act?

I have found this in a magazine and think it is quite informative about our stressful, violent or just out of order behavior. Looks like that some of the usual suspects don't have some kind of responsibility, as it is in their genes. Please click on the picture and enlarge it for easy reading.

Very often I am asked, why do you train these techniques to pupils? Doesn't it make people even more aggressive or violent? And my answer is, no it is the opposite. Someone who has got an aggressive touch in himself, can either be retrained on this matter. And if not, believe me, these kind of people don't stay long. Because they haven't got the stamina to keep on going on top of their other bad behavior. So here at Ichinen Bridport you are safe.

Next Jiu-Jitsu session in Bridport will be on Thursday the 29th at 7 pm. See you there!