Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

10 February 2025

Paul Blake from Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu now 2nd Dan

Ichinen Bridport is the martial arts school for your development

On the 06.02.25 our member Paul Blake from Bridport graduated as a second Dan in traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu. Paul trained first time over 20 years ago with master Horst Lindenau at Ichinen Bridport.

His 2nd Dan grading was examind by master Steve Reynolds (5th Dan) from Yeovil and master Andy Loudon (1st Dan) from Bridport. Partner for the grading was Sam Saines (1st Kyu Jiu-Jitsu)

Big congratulations Paul!


31 July 2023

Self defence workshop with weapons in Bridport/Dorset by Grand master Horst D. Lindenau

Martial arts expert Grandmaster Horst D. Lindenau is hosting a self defence workshop on Monday the 11th of September 2023. Subject of this teaching is "the use of weapons in self defence situations". Workshop is held in Bridport DT6 3TR, St. Catherine's school hall. To keep this event personal, the audience is limited to 12 students this time. Sorry, no spectators!

To register for this seminar, call/text asap to Grandmaster directly. >>> 07968-235486 <<<

Every participant receives an original BlackCombat fight certificate.


06 January 2021

Get the training you deserve

In Munich/Germany, a man was beaten to death again by young violent offenders. As always after such a tragic incident, you quickly cry out for more police, more surveillance cameras, tougher punishments for perpetrators or, ideally, emigrate yourself to a safer place.

I mean, who feels threatened, can't always run away, who is traveling alone and in unsafe areas should arm himself personally against such incidents. The best way to do this is with well-founded training in an effective self-defense. Black Combat is superior to other systems because it does not teach a certain style, but is based on the skills and possibilities of the practitioner.

Technology and behavior are tailored to a specific situation. Of course, your own armament is trained within the legal possibilities as well as legal and psychological aspects of street fighting. Horst D. Lindenau, founder of Black Combat, passes on his own experience and that of his teachers in courses and nationwide seminars. Bookings and information please email to Horst D. Lindenau

Foto: Grand master Horst D. Lindenau 2019, 6th Dan Black Combat, 6th Dan Anti Terror Combat, 3rd Dan Jiu-Jitsu, Security expert for 30 years.
You can book Budo and self defence holidays with Master Horst too. Use the contact form!


23 August 2020

The levels of being



Our life comprises three levels, the body, the spirit and the soul.  

None of these three levels is better or more sacred than the others. All are equally important and none of these three levels are perfect unless all three are perfect. It is neither right nor noble to live only for the soul and to deny the body and the spirit. And it is just as wrong to only live for the spirit and to deny the body or the soul.


01 October 2019

The spirit of Grand master Horst Lindenau

* Your training and engagement is shaping you. Therefore have trust in its teaching and if necessary be willing to make sacrifices
* The dojo is the place where you can do so and learn your skills. It shall be an un profane place for you. Show respect as you show respect to your own house.

* Pay homage to your teacher and follow his example and be a guide to your comrades.
* Take advice from higher grades and be patient and helpful to lower grades.

* “Ji ta kyo ei” >>> shall be the advise when training with equal students.
            (“The best for me and the others”)
* “Seirykoku zenhyo” >>> shall lead your training as your life.
            (“The maximum in physical and moral exertion”)

* Care for neat and clean tatami, Gi and your own body.
* Pay respect and great them well, your teacher and the higher grades.

* Defeat the same as victory in fighting shall urge you to perfection. A victory is not a reason for rest.
* Act always according to the ethics of the Jiu-Jitsu and never void its principles.

This is the gate to the Symondsbury Zen garden which was built by Grand master Horst D. Lindenau with the help of his finest students.

11 September 2019

Private lessons - you deserve it - you want it!

Grand master Horst D. Lindenau (6th Dan BlackCombat), Yoga teacher, meditation master and life coach teaches private lessons in Bridport. Over 30 years experience as a teacher and coach, fully equipped own studio, fully insured, DBS approved, member of IMASA, 1st aid trained.

Turn your life around - start doing what you always wanted and >>> you deserve it!

Call/text now on Bridport 07968-235486 for a fist chat. Or use the contact form here on the blog.

03 April 2018

Private training to improve yourself

Don't you sometimes think "my child could do better"?

Have you ever wanted yourself become a black belt in a respectable martial art?

Do you need assistance with your wellbeing and mindfulness?

Are you looking for 1:1 training to have all the attention and care of the teacher?

Do you need to train at times when it suits you?

Yes? Than take on private lessons with local martial arts grandmaster.

30 years teaching experience. Graduated sports teacher, Yoga teacher, meditation master.

German champion in martial arts and weight lifting.

DBS checked and 1st aid certified.

Training available at Bridport Dojo or at your place.

Contact 07968 - 235486

Grading up to 1. Dan black belt possible

Support with "Duke of Edinburgh award"

1:1 meditation available

Training for all ages.

Anti bullying sorted with Jiu-Jitsu

22 March 2018

Looking for martial arts in Bridport? Join us here!

You live in the Bridport area and you like to start martial arts training? Ichinen Bridport is the right address for you. Master Horst D. Lindenau, qualified sports teacher , black belt in various style and a teacher for Jiu-Jitsu for 30 years runs the school.

We are a friendly bunch of people and always welcome beginner at any time. Here are some FAQ and answers for you:

Can I have a look at the session before joining?
Yes, we have an open door policy and anybody is welcome to watch our classes.

When can I start as a total beginner?
You can start at any time. The lessons at Ichinen Bridport are structured to your needs and capabilities.

Are my previous experiences in other martial arts recognized?
We welcome martial artists from any discipline. As Jiu-Jitsu is an all style system every skill will add to the whole. And we offer Anti Terror Combat too.

What do I wear to start with?
Wear something loose and comfortable. A T-shirt and a tracksuit bottom, or any Gi from previous practice other the martial arts will do.

How much does it cost to train Jiu-Jitsu?
The first two lessons at Ichinen Bridport are £ 10. This is for 1.5 hours training each session. After that you chose a tariff which suits your personal needs. 

Do I need to be fit before start?
You can join our Bridport school at any level, as long there are no real medical issues they stop you. Fitness should be no barrier to start Jiu-Jitsu. We make you fit.

What about age? Does it matter?
No, it does not matter at all. We run classes for children (6-14) and adults (14-65 at present) and there is no age limit.

Is Jiu-Jitsu suitable for women?
Yes of cause it is. There is no difference.

Do you do grading?
Yes we do. Belts are used as an indicator of progress, knowledge and experience. Look at our syllabus. You can become a black belt yourself!

13 June 2016

The advantage of private tuition

The advantage of private tuition is unchallengeable. Weather you are a member of a regular martial art class already or you have no commitment at all in the moment and look for a way to get active again. A private lesson will give you this ignition to do something for yourself.

Master Horst Lindenau offers currently one or two students private 1:1 teaching in the martial arts. It is possible to connect two students too. Master Horst is a licensed  sports teacher for martial arts and yoga with over 28 years of experience as a martial art instructor.

If you are serious about your training and learning don't miss out this opportunity in the Bridport area. There are not many skilled teachers around like master Horst Lindenau and you don't need to travel too far for your tuition, if you live in the Bridport area.

The training is either in the Bridport Dojo or even can be arranged at your home. The costs are calculated on what package you book and how often you like and need your training.

You can get trained in the following arts

Jiu-Jitsu is the most complete solution if it comes to martial arts. You can say "it is the mother of the martial arts". With Jiu-Jitsu you will gain skills for not only self defence but you train your mental attitude as well. The style Master Horst teaches is traditionell, effective and convincing.

Anti Terror Combat is a radical self defence. With these skills your life becomes safer and it is "easy to learn". Anti Terror Combat (ATC) is for those they really care about their self defence skills and want the special kick with the martial arts.

Yoga does not need much explanation. Yoga is the oldest form of physical training, probably 5000 years the first traces can be dated back. Today Yoga became a big industry in the western world nowadays. If you don't like or cannot join a regular local Yoga class, master Horst is a graduated Yoga instructor and a Tantra Yoga teacher. The way he teaches Yoga is far from this "industrial" attitude which is found so often today. Stay with the real one.

Training available for male and female over the age of 16 years. There is no age limit upward. Master Horst Lindenau oldest student is 65 years of age!

If you live in the Bridport area then ring Master Horst Lindenau on 07968 235486.
Visit the Bridport martial art school Facebook page on Ichinen Bridport and get even more information on our main website.

Look forward to meet you !

19 January 2016

Book review: From student to master

Book review: From student to master

This book, published end of 2015 is not just another one added to the big number of martial art volumes. With the original title “Vom Schueler zum Meister” (which can be translated to “from student to master”) it is now the 8th edition of this famous work. While previous editions been released by Grandmaster Horst Weiland (+), the present one was written by Claude Weiland. He is a fine martial artist too and the son of the originator of this title.

Back in the 90’s the 5th edition was my number one when it came to any information required regarding the different martial art styles I covered. This new available work is just doing the same; the reader has got a source of all styles and disciplines which are taught within the “Budo Akademie Europa”, (Budo academy Europe, BAE) a martial arts organisation which goes back to 1970.
Although I do miss certain features from the previous editions, I like to approve this new book from Claude Weiland at most. (Of cause, we oldies’ guys will always miss some of the stuff we brought up with J).

 As the official compendium of the BAE, it contains detailed and complete information about the 14 different styles taught today. The chapters of the main subjects like Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, ATK-self defence, Ajukate, Karate, Kickboxing, TKD and Kung Fu not only give the student a great help on the way, but masters themselves will find it extreme useful in daily teaching and running classes.

The book is written in German, but I am sure it has got a value to non German readers too, as Tsuki and a Kesa Gatame is the same all over the world. And when I once borrowed my old edition to a student of mine, he was pleased with it and said: “That kind of book should be available in English, it’s ever so good.”

The 8th edition “Vom Schueler zum Meister“ , by Grandmaster Claude Weiland, paperback, 262 pages, ISBN 978-398117621-0-5, you can buy it direct via the BAE in Wilhelmshaven/Germany, or

28 July 2015

I am going to share it with you

Zen in the martial arts is my favourite (martial art) book. By Joe Hyams 1979, New York, USA.
143 pages full of wisdom, with lovely photos and many quotes from other masters and martial artists.

I found this book first in a shop in Aberdeen (Scotland) in 1982. since than I have bought myself the 6th copy as I gave all other five away to people in need of some mental support. It definitely has saved two life's so far and helped so many.

ISBN 0-87477-101-3, you probably get it on Amazon. Or pop into your local book shop.

... Seize the moment... you must learn to live in the present, he said. Not in the future or past...