Showing posts with label Street fighting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Street fighting. Show all posts

27 March 2024

Self defence training is weapon training


When you incorporate self defence in your martial arts training, make sure there are various weapons involved. As in the photo above you choose natural weapons (knife, stick, rope) and unnatural weapons, as door keys, a bottle and so on. Ichinen Bridport offers more than 50 different weapon skills . Don't miss out here.

13 May 2020

Prepare for the rising crime

Prepare for a post-lock down summer of crime and expect an increase in violence on Britain’s streets when restrictions are eased

Police have said they are concerned that an increase in violent crime by younger unemployed men and gangs looking to reclaim their turf will follow the relaxation of lock down measures.

A 'toxic mix' of young men out of work, public gatherings being permitted again and later, the opening of licensed venues such as pubs and clubs will cause this.

We should be particularly worried about public order offences, antisocial behaviour and alcohol-fuelled violence.

When lock down is over, drug dealing and gang fighting will increase again.

The impact the corona virus has had on the economy could well result in a more volatile and agitated society.

Crime figures could also spike post-lock down as evidence of domestic violence, child sexual exploitation and other crimes committed during the lowdown come to light. 

In recession you see an increase in the lower end of crime. For example, acquisitive crime might rise because people steal to feed themselves.

They say, police forces are taking the common sense approach of planning for increase in crimes as restrictions are relaxed.

Are you prepared?

02 April 2019

The Black Combat headquarters are in Bridport/UK

Ichinen Bridport offers a complete education for self defence. Don't let your life be in danger - come and join us and learn the best self defence you can get. Black Combat is most modern and highly effective as we train with all up to date weapons and real street fighting scenarios. Book your first session now and contact 07968-235486 / private tuition only in Bridport area. If you live elsewhere, contact HQ for your nearest teacher / dojo.

07 September 2018

The only answer to the rising violent crime

The only answer to the rising violent crime is "learn self defence" and don't become an easy victim of crime and violence.

We have the best on offer >>> BlackCombat <<< a martial art style which focuses entirely on self defence and personal safety.

You can train this modern system nearby in Bridport and and in Loders.

Join now - text/phone Grandmaster Horst D. Lindenau >>> 07968-235486

What holds you back? Start now and make your life safe again.

13 October 2017

The most common street attacks

Here at Ichinen Bridport we train the martial arts with a strong focus on self defence. Although our little town on the south west coast of England can still be rated as fairly safe, we do have crime and of cause violence on the streets. But nevertheless, we are not training to be confronted here only, but for a wider range.

About three years ago I could google the topic of "most common attacks" and found results on the homepages/home office as well as on relevant German police statistics. Shortly after I could copy these results, these statistics been gone. Guess somebody has an interest, not to inform the wider public about this subject.

What you find today, is the list of the most common 10 attacks, which were posted here on the blog about 3 years ago. Makes me smile, since then all what you find online seems to copy this. I know it, as I have made some alterations from the original and all what I find online shows the same :)

In our local Bridport martial arts school we offer traditional Japanese Jiu-Jitsu and the defence against these most common attacks are in each grading syllabus from 4th Kyu upwards.

Here you find the 10 most common street attacks according to law enforcement / UK from 2014.

1. One person pushes, hands to chest, which is normally followed by the pusher striking first, to the head.
2. A swinging punch to the head.
3. A front clothing grab, one handed, followed by punch to the head.
4. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a head butt.
5. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a knee to the groin.
6. A bottle, glass, or ashtray to the head.
7. A lashing kick to the groin or lower legs.
8. A broken bottle or glass jabbed to face.
9. A slash with knife, most commonly a 3 to 4" lock blade knife or kitchen utility knife.
10. A grappling style head lock.

(10 most common attack according to Law Enforcement)

And of cause we train our self defence armed and unarmed. This sis a small collection of weapons we use for training.

Our training is open for everyone. Please come along, if you are a beginner or an advanced martial artist. 

30 August 2017

Bridport martial arts school with new logo

Bridport martial arts school Ichinen Bridport has a new logo. It shows now all what this local martial arts school has on offer.

Anti Terror Combat is taught by Grand master Horst D. Lindenau (6. Dan). This is a modern self defence system, suitable for all martial artists with some previous knowledge.

Update  >>> 
Anti Terror Combat is now called BlackCombat!

Anti Bullying is taught within the classes, especially for children.
Ichinen Bridport martial arts school is the No.1 for self defence in the Bridport area. We teach unarmed and armed defence. Include the whole strategy of street fighting, bullying, law and even first aid in a distress situation. You don't want to miss this knowledge when attacked!

Martial arts is our main aim. Master Horst is the chief instructor of this school (since nearly 30 years now) and he is an expert and graduate in various styles. That includes Karate, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu as well as Ninjutsu, Ajukate, Street fighting and Anti Terror Combat + TerLiMa self defence.

Jiu-Jitsu is taught 4 times the week at Ichinen Bridport. Suitable for absolute beginners and professionals.

... and you don't need to be fit to join us! But you will be!

New logo for BlackCombat

12 June 2016

Martial Artist attacked by a group

Martial artist attacked by a group (text taken from

"In der Nacht auf Sonntag wurde in der Innenstadt ein 25 Jahre alter Bremer überfallen. Eine Gruppe von sechs bis acht Personen schlug ihn nieder und entwendete Geld aus seinem Portmonee. Der 25-Jährige wurde im Bereich Marktplatz - Domshof - Domsheide von Mitgliedern der Gruppe angesprochen: "Geld her oder es knallt! Die Forderung ignorierend setzte der Bremer seinen Weg zunächst zu Fuß fort. Zwei Gruppenmitglieder erwiesen sich aber als besonders aggressiv und griffen ihn an. Da der 25-Jährige über langjährige Kampfsporterfahrung verfügt, setzte er sich zur Wehr und rang seine beiden Gegner nieder. Das war für den Rest der Gruppe das Zeichen, ebenfalls auf den Angegriffenen loszugehen. Mehrere Personen schlugen -unter anderem mit einem Teleskopschlagstock- auf den Sportler ein, verletzten ihn dabei und raubten ihn aus."

Well I better translate: A man with several years experience in the Martial Arts was robbed, beaten and injured in the City of Bremen. (That’s where I come from, that’s why I mention it here). At first there is nothing so unusual with this incident. Fights, robbery, all this is common nowadays.

What I like to point out is, you might train even for years some Martial Art. But when it comes to a real street fight, often the Martial Artist finds he is helpless. Why is that? First, there is a different environment, not the comfy dojo. Then there is no referee who says “Yame”, when one gets injured. And last not least, the real fight in the streets can take longer than the 2 or 3 minutes rounds in a competition.

Final it is all a question what you looking for in your Martial Arts. We here at Ichinen Bridport do Jiu-Jitsu (Saddam Hussein would have said: “The mother of the Martial Arts”). And one of our main aims to do so, is to train the best of street self defence! The best self defence is provided by Anti Terror Combat. You can learn these skills too at Ichinen Bridport martial arts school.

Update  >>> 
Anti Terror Combat is now called BlackCombat!

29 November 2015

Martial arts experts offer their skills in Dorset

For all martial artists in the South West, Bridport, Weymouth, Dorchester, Taunton, and Yeovil area: On Sunday the 13th of December 2015 there is a special knife seminar hosted by the Bridport martial art school Ichinen Bridport. Master Horst Lindenau (Jiu-Jitsu) teaches the very best of self defence in this tuition.
The seminar starts at 1 pm at the Dojo Loders village hall (Loders, Dorset) and the training is suitable for all martial artists from the region. Seminar will be four hours training and every participant will receive a certificate. Please book through this pages contact form.

19 November 2015

Weapon training for self defence at Bridport martial arts club

"Self defence training without weapon training is like swimming without water"!

Since we started out training, we always included the weapon training. As the knife and a short short stick been chosen first, today the weapon training includes gunpoint skills, defence against chemical and tear gas sprays, base bats and broken bottles too.

You better train yourself today, because the muggers to that already!!

Join Ichinen Bridport, the no.1 martial arts school in Dorset. Jiu-Jitsu, BlackCombat and special self defence seminars - all in one hand - all professional and education you can rely on.

06 November 2015

No 1: The pusher striking first to the head!

Here at Ichinen Bridport martial arts school we have chosen to train the most common situations we could come across according to Law Enforcement. The agency monitors the public and releases lists of the most likely attacks they can happen to you.

The list reads like a “who's who” of hurting and injure someone. And if this someone doesn’t want to be yourself, you better do something now to prevent it.

Join one of our martial art sessions either in Bridport or Loders. Five time a week we train. You can choose from three different styles and our black belt masters are all 100% professional, very skilled, fully DBS checked and of course first aiders too.

Don’t want to become a victim of this? ...

1. One person pushes, hands to chest, which is normally followed by the pusher striking first, to the head.
2. A swinging punch to the head.
3. A front clothing grab, one handed, followed by punch to the head.
4. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a head butt.
5. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a knee to the groin.
6. A bottle, glass, or ashtray to the head.
7. A lashing kick to the groin or lower legs.
8. A broken bottle or glass jabbed to face.
9. A slash with knife, most commonly a 3 to 4" lock blade knife or kitchen utility knife.
10. A grappling style head lock.

(10 most common attack according to Law Enforcement)

... do something now! Come and join us.

Thursday at 7.00 pm martial arts for adults from the age of 15 in Bridport, Dojo British Legion Hall, Victoria Grove.

09 June 2015

Good self defence session in the Loders Dojo

Tonight we had another good session of self defence training in our Loders Dojo. The task was a defence against a hand gun, a knife and a broken bottle. All from the front. We looked at the psychological aspects of these threats as the counter against the hand gun and the knife been the same, the attacker with the broken bottle was defended with leg kicks.

Very important tonight, what to do with the opponent after the attack and a successful defence?

03 March 2015

New venue for Martial Arts in Bridport

Tonight we had the first Jiu-Jitsu session at the Loders Village Hall in Loders / Dorset. We didn't use any soft mats today and kept shoes on too. The way we train Jiu-Jitsu keeps us flexible and prepares for various different situations, places, times as in day light or without any sight at pitch black nights.
You can join in our class at any point as a beginner or any level.

31 January 2015

Master Horst Lindenau is a trained doorman too

It is already a year ago since I passed my doorman training at the academy in Taunton. To teach Martial Arts  as self defence too as we do at Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu, it requires a lot of training and several qualifications for the instructors. Next I have to do is the CRB check again. Than soon the 1. aid is due, followed by the renewal seminar as a coach. 

But you as a student don't need to worry about all this. You just concentrate on your path. Growing with Jiu-Jitsu.

28 January 2015

Knifing in a town nearby

Update  >>> 
Anti Terror Combat is now called BlackCombat!

Last Sunday a 28 year old man got stabbed five times in the town nearby during a street fight with a 41 year old man.

It all happened late night at about 2.30 am and the trouble started outside a pub and then continued along through three streets, ending with the stabbing.

Again that reminds me to a comment of the local police here, that our town doesn't need seminars,
teaching knife defence. Then I was holding a special knife defence seminar for Bridport door staff.

The younger man has been seriously injured, as to read in the daily paper. Of course, knifes can injure very badly. Interesting what a local councillor commented. He said:” We do have trouble in town centre on different occasions, that’s true. Our biggest problem is the lack of police in the town at night.

My answer to that, better safe than sorry. Get prepared. Times are not getting better unfortunately and the evil crime swoops over from big towns. Learn the art of self defence here at Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu with Master Horst Lindenau. Former Anti-Terror-Kampf Master (from Germany) and Anti Terror Combat chief instructor. Every Thursday in Bridport. Martial Arts for you! Starts 7.00 pm.

This is a selection of nasty weapons you can get confronted with nowadays in a street fight

24 January 2015

What drives someone to commit a violent act?

I have found this in a magazine and think it is quite informative about our stressful, violent or just out of order behavior. Looks like that some of the usual suspects don't have some kind of responsibility, as it is in their genes. Please click on the picture and enlarge it for easy reading.

Very often I am asked, why do you train these techniques to pupils? Doesn't it make people even more aggressive or violent? And my answer is, no it is the opposite. Someone who has got an aggressive touch in himself, can either be retrained on this matter. And if not, believe me, these kind of people don't stay long. Because they haven't got the stamina to keep on going on top of their other bad behavior. So here at Ichinen Bridport you are safe.

Next Jiu-Jitsu session in Bridport will be on Thursday the 29th at 7 pm. See you there!

16 January 2015

Good Jiu-Jitsu session last night at Ichinen Bridport

Last night we trained the fortress. It was inspired by Carl Cooper a former Krav Maga instructor and inventor of the Toxic fighting system. Carl run a class in Exeter and one of his students, Lewis Harris, joined the Bridport based self defense class at Ichinen Bridport with Master Horst Lindenau.

Horst:" Lewis is a great added value to our school and I appreciate his knowledge in real self defense." We all enjoyed a good session of martial Arts and learned a lot.

31 December 2013

Happy new year 2014!

These are the weapons not only the thugs might use in the street to attack you, but these are the weapons we will train with to become fit for the real street level self defence 2014. attackers don't bother if a weapon is illegal. They just use it to harm you as much as they can.

With the knowledge in Martial Arts, a good profound Jiu-Jitsu education here at Ichinen Bridport, you don't need to fear them. Come and join in and make this year a "U-turn" for yourself to the better. Learn the art of self defence, become confident, fit and healthy, you will loose these extra pounds too and identify yourself with a strong community: The Ichinen Bridport Martial Artists.

See you next Thursday at 6.45pm in the Dojo at British Legion Hall, Victoria Grove, Bridport.

                           Happy new year!

01 October 2013

Our heroes

I do not fear those who exercise daily 1000 techniques, but the one who exercises daily 1000 times a technique.

     - Bruce Lee

27 August 2013

Self defence in Bridport = Ichinen Bridport

I remember very well last year, when we had a safety seminar at West Bay with members of bar staff and doormen from Bridport. Here is a link to the post from April 2012. And I remember well what the head of the local police said about it. In other words: "Not necessary in Bridport".

And here we are. Saturday night in Bridport there was a knife incident near Mountfield. Three people got arrested, a helicoptor was involved and luckily no one got seriously hurt or injured by the knives the thugs had been carrying. You'll probably read  the whole story in the Bridport News this week.

What comes to my mind being-prepared-is-better-than-not.

24 August 2013

These are the 10 most common (street) attacks according to law enforcement

As we say, we here at Ichinen Bridport do not want to “invent the wheel new”; therefore the following listing of common attacks will be the first set we concentrate on.

This is based on information supplied by Law Enforcement.

We set up scenarios that mirror the top 10 street attacks. Students will learn and understand the dynamics of the situation as well as the techniques that can be used to deal with these nasty most common attacks.

1. One person pushes, hands to chest, which is normally followed by the pusher striking first, to the head.
2. A swinging punch to the head.
3. A front clothing grab, one handed, followed by punch to the head.
4. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a head butt.
5. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a knee to the groin.
6. A bottle, glass, or ashtray to the head.
7. A lashing kick to the groin or lower legs.
8. A broken bottle or glass jabbed to face.
9. A slash with knife, most commonly a 3 to 4" lock blade knife or kitchen utility knife.
10. A grappling style head lock.