24 January 2015

What drives someone to commit a violent act?

I have found this in a magazine and think it is quite informative about our stressful, violent or just out of order behavior. Looks like that some of the usual suspects don't have some kind of responsibility, as it is in their genes. Please click on the picture and enlarge it for easy reading.

Very often I am asked, why do you train these techniques to pupils? Doesn't it make people even more aggressive or violent? And my answer is, no it is the opposite. Someone who has got an aggressive touch in himself, can either be retrained on this matter. And if not, believe me, these kind of people don't stay long. Because they haven't got the stamina to keep on going on top of their other bad behavior. So here at Ichinen Bridport you are safe.

Next Jiu-Jitsu session in Bridport will be on Thursday the 29th at 7 pm. See you there!

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