Showing posts with label Self defence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self defence. Show all posts

11 November 2015

Children train martial art and self defence in Bridport

*** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW ***

Master Horst Lindenau offers a new class for children in the Bridport area. The group is designed for kids from 6 - 14 years. Master Horst has got more than 25 years of experience as a black belt teacher for the martial arts. Since than Ichinen Bridport martial art school has taught already 2 generations of students.

Your child will learn and improve valuable skills for life. We teach the children force and energy, elasticity, respect, patience, humbleness, discipline, stamina, skill, self control, friendship and there will be lots of fun too!!

Places are limited to 15 children. Who comes first, learns first!

The teaching will be in the Dojo at the British Legion Hall, Bridport, Victoria Grove, DT6 5AD. Lesson starts at 5.30 pm. Please come early enough to register. 

First lesson is £ 10 and the second one is free! To join the group the monthly fee is only £ 30 and we keep on with training during half terms. Any questions left for you you are welcome to contact the school on 07968-235486

*** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW ***

06 November 2015

No 1: The pusher striking first to the head!

Here at Ichinen Bridport martial arts school we have chosen to train the most common situations we could come across according to Law Enforcement. The agency monitors the public and releases lists of the most likely attacks they can happen to you.

The list reads like a “who's who” of hurting and injure someone. And if this someone doesn’t want to be yourself, you better do something now to prevent it.

Join one of our martial art sessions either in Bridport or Loders. Five time a week we train. You can choose from three different styles and our black belt masters are all 100% professional, very skilled, fully DBS checked and of course first aiders too.

Don’t want to become a victim of this? ...

1. One person pushes, hands to chest, which is normally followed by the pusher striking first, to the head.
2. A swinging punch to the head.
3. A front clothing grab, one handed, followed by punch to the head.
4. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a head butt.
5. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a knee to the groin.
6. A bottle, glass, or ashtray to the head.
7. A lashing kick to the groin or lower legs.
8. A broken bottle or glass jabbed to face.
9. A slash with knife, most commonly a 3 to 4" lock blade knife or kitchen utility knife.
10. A grappling style head lock.

(10 most common attack according to Law Enforcement)

... do something now! Come and join us.

Thursday at 7.00 pm martial arts for adults from the age of 15 in Bridport, Dojo British Legion Hall, Victoria Grove.

18 July 2015

Join Ichinen Bridport now and get your first grading free

Ichinen Bridport membership card is in great demand  

Everybody who joins our Bridport martial arts school by the end of July 2015 will get the first grading for free. Training is four times the week. You can choose your own times. Suitable for all men and women over 16 years.

09 June 2015

Good self defence session in the Loders Dojo

Tonight we had another good session of self defence training in our Loders Dojo. The task was a defence against a hand gun, a knife and a broken bottle. All from the front. We looked at the psychological aspects of these threats as the counter against the hand gun and the knife been the same, the attacker with the broken bottle was defended with leg kicks.

Very important tonight, what to do with the opponent after the attack and a successful defence?

24 May 2015

Would you guess? ### updated ###

When I found this statistic I must admit I was very surprised. What is the most common weapon victims get killed in the USA today? I thought immediately, of course a hand gun.

But no! This deadly weapon is a HAMMER !

And as many things we have got here come from America, there was an incident with a hammer involved in Crewkerne / Dorset. Only a short drive away from Bridport at our nearest train station.

The local paper says: Dorset police are investigating at present after a man was assaulted with a hammer at Crewkerne train station last week. The incident occurred at around 7.00 pm and left the victim with a head injury."

We at Ichinen Bridport will now add a hammer to our "toolbox" and exercise how to defend oneself against hammer attacks. Real street self defence, that's what we teach at our martial arts school. We always keep an eye on the evolution what's going on out there. If you like to learn how to defend yourself and your family, come and visit us at our Dojo and learn street self defence. Our fighting system is Jiu-Jitsu.

05 March 2015

Do something for yourself. Join in and learn the art of Jiu-Jitsu

Tonight we had two really good sessions of Jiu-Jitsu at Ichinen Bridport in the British Legion Hall in Bridport / Dorset. Thank you all guys for training so hard tonight.

New members are always very welcome here. Please come and find out if this martial Art suits you. You will find a very pleasant and serious bunch of people. a good way to spend a Thursday night.

02 February 2015

Meditation can improve your life

Are you happy?
Is your life good?
Do you like yourself?

If not, please remember your happiness and success in life does only come from within yourself.
Stay positive and never allow the negativity to step into your life.
You will be surprised what you are able to achieve, when you only once started.

You can learn and train these skills with master Horst Lindenau.

28 January 2015

Knifing in a town nearby

Update  >>> 
Anti Terror Combat is now called BlackCombat!

Last Sunday a 28 year old man got stabbed five times in the town nearby during a street fight with a 41 year old man.

It all happened late night at about 2.30 am and the trouble started outside a pub and then continued along through three streets, ending with the stabbing.

Again that reminds me to a comment of the local police here, that our town doesn't need seminars,
teaching knife defence. Then I was holding a special knife defence seminar for Bridport door staff.

The younger man has been seriously injured, as to read in the daily paper. Of course, knifes can injure very badly. Interesting what a local councillor commented. He said:” We do have trouble in town centre on different occasions, that’s true. Our biggest problem is the lack of police in the town at night.

My answer to that, better safe than sorry. Get prepared. Times are not getting better unfortunately and the evil crime swoops over from big towns. Learn the art of self defence here at Ichinen Bridport Jiu-Jitsu with Master Horst Lindenau. Former Anti-Terror-Kampf Master (from Germany) and Anti Terror Combat chief instructor. Every Thursday in Bridport. Martial Arts for you! Starts 7.00 pm.

This is a selection of nasty weapons you can get confronted with nowadays in a street fight

24 January 2015

What drives someone to commit a violent act?

I have found this in a magazine and think it is quite informative about our stressful, violent or just out of order behavior. Looks like that some of the usual suspects don't have some kind of responsibility, as it is in their genes. Please click on the picture and enlarge it for easy reading.

Very often I am asked, why do you train these techniques to pupils? Doesn't it make people even more aggressive or violent? And my answer is, no it is the opposite. Someone who has got an aggressive touch in himself, can either be retrained on this matter. And if not, believe me, these kind of people don't stay long. Because they haven't got the stamina to keep on going on top of their other bad behavior. So here at Ichinen Bridport you are safe.

Next Jiu-Jitsu session in Bridport will be on Thursday the 29th at 7 pm. See you there!

16 January 2015

Good Jiu-Jitsu session last night at Ichinen Bridport

Last night we trained the fortress. It was inspired by Carl Cooper a former Krav Maga instructor and inventor of the Toxic fighting system. Carl run a class in Exeter and one of his students, Lewis Harris, joined the Bridport based self defense class at Ichinen Bridport with Master Horst Lindenau.

Horst:" Lewis is a great added value to our school and I appreciate his knowledge in real self defense." We all enjoyed a good session of martial Arts and learned a lot.

31 December 2013

Happy new year 2014!

These are the weapons not only the thugs might use in the street to attack you, but these are the weapons we will train with to become fit for the real street level self defence 2014. attackers don't bother if a weapon is illegal. They just use it to harm you as much as they can.

With the knowledge in Martial Arts, a good profound Jiu-Jitsu education here at Ichinen Bridport, you don't need to fear them. Come and join in and make this year a "U-turn" for yourself to the better. Learn the art of self defence, become confident, fit and healthy, you will loose these extra pounds too and identify yourself with a strong community: The Ichinen Bridport Martial Artists.

See you next Thursday at 6.45pm in the Dojo at British Legion Hall, Victoria Grove, Bridport.

                           Happy new year!

20 August 2013

Learn Martial Arts 1:1

Not everybody has got the time to attend to a regular class of Martial Arts. Therefore here at Ichinen Bridport Master Horst Lindenau makes a special offer. If you are able to train during the daytime or certain hours in the evening, you can book now a private tuition with the Master directly. For times and conditions please call 07968 235486 and let's have a chat about your needs. Sessions are either held in the Bridport or Loders Dojo. Even at your home if it is suitable. Do something for your self. Learn Martial Arts.

Photo: Master Horst Lindenau and students at Jacobs University 2008

05 April 2013

How do you manage fear in a self defense situation?

What is fear is. “Fear is an emotional response to stimuli either external or internal. Fear has certain physiological responses such like increased heart rate and/or increased respiration.”
There are various mental responses to fear as freezing up. Not being able to move at all, though your mind may be telling to run, block or fight!

Anger and fear are very closely related. A reaction to fear of anger will at the very least help you to survive better than freezing up, but it could also inhibit your thought processes and get you even more in trouble.
If you trained to react on fear, your body relaxes, your mind focuses. Adrenaline increases your strength and speed making you a capable individual.

There are two ways of training to use fear. Place yourself in life threatening situations on a regular basis. I don’t really mean it. Or place yourself in life threatening situations on a regular basis mentally. This method has the advantage of extending your training career while at the same time possibly saving your life.
Many martial artists spend their lives learning to block and strike. Going through situation after situation. Attacks from the front attacks from behind, from the side, multiple attackers.

Some martial artists don't even practice these scenarios. Assuming the same defensive reaction from the front will work from the side and from attacks from behind. Some martial arts instructors when asked "what if" by their students will simply say, "just don't put yourself in that position". If that were the answer there would be no need to take self-defense at all.

For those martial artists who do practice situational self-defense training, many of you are not allowing for the mental aspect of a physical attack.
Mental preparedness for a physical attack, I believe, is very much the same important than the physical side of preparing for an attack. Why do you think it is that a trained martial artist would fear a seasoned street fighter. Because the street fighter has been in REAL fights. The few tricks he has picked up to win a street brawl have actually been executed by him under the mental stress of a life and death situation Most martial artists, fortunately, have not had this misfortune.

But let us look back at the physiological effects of fear again. Increased heart rate and respiration were two major physiological responses to fear. A tensing of voluntary muscle groups is another, more so in the untrained individual.

So first a slight tension of voluntary muscle groups. Now increase your breathing. Short shallow breaths are best to emulate this physiological response.

Now to the Mental Aspect

You need a padded up live partner. For this drill I would often take an air shield and tie it to the front on an advanced student. Than your partner must do some acting as well. He must look both in the face and body language as though they intend to hit you and hurt you. Even emulating the foul language you might hear from an attacker in an attempt to intimidate you would help.

Now you put it in your mind that your partner is not your partner. He's a stranger that intends on doing you harm, mugging you, raping, beating you senseless and unless you defend yourself and hit just as hard as you can and don't get hit yourself that's just what's going to happen.

Start with a prearranged attack and counter-attack, but, put it out of your mind that you actually know what's going to happen. Feel the fear and tension before the attack, then block or evade like you mean it, like your life depends on it and counter attack.

Now put some pads on and remove the air shield. Do one step variations again. Same mental stress of a real situation, but strike anywhere and pull the technique so you don't hurt your partner.

Ready to Become More Dangerous?

Start again with all of your self-defense drills. Emulate your fear for at least 10 seconds to put yourself in a life threatening mental attitude. Than relax your muscles and breathing. Now start again and add a mental aspect to begin working with your fear and stress. Begin again with your drills and this time take your fear and turn it into anger. It's not the final solution yet, but it will give you a better chance of survival than being frozen in place solid.

Turning fear into anger takes practice, but is actually not that hard to accomplish. As I said earlier the two emotions are very similar. Basically this can be accomplished with an example such as this:
Instead of, "Oh my gosh, this guy wants to hurt me!" Your better response to this would be: What? This nut lowlife scum wants to hurt me???

Now add your rapid breathing to this and slight muscular tension and remember: YOU'RE ANGRY!
Now do your steps to relax and attempt to control your breathing while remaining angry. This training method, when done properly, will take a lot out of you. I do not recommend using this method all of the time, but definitely put it in your training schedule and practice the method on a regular basis.

Photo: Stone of courage, former Symondsbury Zen Garden

08 March 2013

Pussy Galore
That's for those they want to find out more.
Honor Blackman's book of self defense, mind you, it's from 1965! By that time I could not proceed with my Judo lessons, as my father wouldn't buy me a Gi and pay the fee. So I was left in the street instead.

But that was good. Could I find out that way, what the real thing was. Not just sport and fairness. But if I compare the style from those days with modern time violence and fighting techniques, there is hardly any compare. In Honor Blackman's book of self defense you can find the odd moves, sure they work(ed), but today it is a different cup of tea. Streetfighting and the ugly nasty appoach with it has changed. And so have our ideas about self defense at Ichinen Bridport. But if you like, have a little stroll in the past direct to Pussy Galore.

31 January 2013

What's the answer to the outbreak of violence?

After the latest school massacre in the USA in December 2012 American teachers are booking courses how to use firearms. Since this last deadly shooting at a US school there is a very controversy discussion about what to do to avoid similar shootings and killings in the future.

While the American president wants to introduce tougher rules to possess a gun, the weapon lobby arguments with some teachers, those they rather book a course, learn to use a firearm in the hope they can save children’s and their own life in an event like the Newtown massacre.

Some teacher in the US even say, they will wear a gun in the future, although illegal and risking the job, but to protect themselves and the children. Courses to learn the gun handling were fully booked after the shooting and it seems people only can see one solution to this problem.

But how wrong they all are!

According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle. Read the full story on FOX NATION.

But what does it mean for us here in the UK where guns are not around everywhere as in the USA?

According to an article from the 25th of January in the MAIL ONLINE, 40 primary school pupils are expelled every day for attacks on staff, shocking  figures revealed yesterday. The violence is so endemic that exclusions for assaulting teachers are now more common in primaries than in  secondary schools.

If you worried as a teacher, come and join a Jiu-Jitsu club and learn the art of self defense. This could be one answer.

Picture above: Master Horst Lindenau teaches children the art of Jiu-Jitsu at the BAE headquarters in the studio of self defense (SDS Wilhelmshaven) in Germany 1989.

Master Horst: "Those children, they have been in contact with the martial arts and especially Jiu-Jitsu are much less likely involved in any aggressive or violent behaviour." This could be answer two.

06 November 2012

They used pick-axe handles, baseball bats, hammers and knives

The Guardian online reported about the killing of two students in southern France, which took only two minutes.

…Kevin N. and Sofiane T., both 21, were attacked in a park on Friday night for reasons that are still unclear, but local accounts suggested it was because one of their younger brothers had looked at someone "the wrong way" outside school. A crowd of around 12 young men, believed to include teenagers, hit the men with pick-axe handles, baseball bats, hammers and knives, taking two minutes to kill one, while the other died shortly after in hospital…

The full story you can read here

And don't think, oh well, that's France. Unfortunately it can happen anywhere. And unfortunately it happens.

Here at Ichinen Bridport we learn to fight attackers they are armed too.

Photo: "Weapons of death", to perform a Jiu-Jitsu Kata.

05 May 2012

Being prepared is better than not

Thank you Lewis for your views about the article in the Bridport News regarding the knife seminar last month. What the police officer said in the article is fine, but I too have a different opinion about it. Fact is, when I came to Bridport more than 20 years ago (where's the the time gone?), the local Bobbies wore their traditional uniforms (as seen on TV). Today police officers in Bridport wear on night duty, stab west, leather gloves and taser gun. That's how the situation has changed. And why should the individual not prepare himself too for the changed situation and "being prepared"?

01 April 2012

Knife defense at Ichinen Bridport

No 10 Cafe Bar in Bridport has commissioned me to hold knife defense classes for its door staff and bar managers. Following several incidents in the town involving attacks on members of the public with knifes, No 10 has decided that although no incidents have happened at No 10 it is prudent that its responsible staff receive relevant training to cope with such incidents.

They say: “Horst D. Lindenau is a highly qualified Master of the arts of self defense who believes that the best way to defuse any situation should not involve violence. It is now necessary with the current wave of offences with knifes that anyone who is potentially exposed to such situations should be trained to cope with them.”
The first class was last Friday the 30th of March held at the Salt House in West Bay and was attended by Paul Hindes landlord of No 10, by Mutter Slater the manager, Ray Dean the doorman and Linden Norman, a qualified doorman.

The class last Friday included various kinds of defense techniques against knife attack. There was also training in the psychology of someone armed and violent, the law in relation to self defense, first aid practice in respect of knife wounds and training in the defusing of violent situations. As it is clearly impossible to get enough information and skills on one seminar only, especially with this subject, everybody who attended the workshop was given two vouchers, each valid for 4 sessions of further training with Master Horst at the regular Jiu-Jitsu class on Tuesdays.

The thinking inspiring the action above was that it was best for No 10 as an employer and host to the general public to be prepared for the worst in the hope and desire that it would all improve unnecessary. The kind of behavior making this necessary has been spreading throughout the country. Anyone who feels that they too could benefit from further training should ring Horst on 01308-459781.

23 January 2012

Self defence becomes more important

Photo: Selection of training knifes as used in Jiu-Jitsu and Self Defense Training.

Since I arrived in lovely old Bridport, times have changed a lot. As there was hardly any fighting 25 years ago, it is nowadays quite common to get unwanted involved into any form of aggression or violence in the streets of Bridport. But one fact has to be looked at in particular. The kind of street fighting known in bigger cities has obviously arrived in Dorset. I am talking about the use of illegal weapons, especially knifes.

As a teacher and black belt holder in the German radical self defense style of "Anti-Terrorkampf", I know what I am talking about. Attacks with knifes and knife like objects are not only severely dangerous, it also requires a lot more to defend yourself against this specific violence.

You only need to have a look at our local news papers and you find reports of recent knife attacks on members of the public.

The news paper cut here on the left is from the Bridport News two weeks ago, but I guess everybody knows what I am writing about. It is a big concern in the community. Well, personally I do not favour to get more armed as the crime is growing around us. But as an expert on self defence and a Martial arts teacher for meanwhile 23 years, I like to offer you answers to this unpleasant development. The answer is: Learn the art of self defence and stay safe. What I mean is, as better you are prepared against a situation which might risk your health or even life, as less likely it will be, that such a situation can harm you. In my Jiu-Jitsu lessons held at Loders Village Hall every Tuesday at 7 pm and in Bridport at the British Legion hall 7 pm you will learn these skills. Beginners very welcome! Age up from 16 years upwards.