Ichinen Bridport is the best-known school to study traditional Jiu-Jitsu in Bridport. For those who are after the tough and streetwise self defence, Ichinen Bridport offers the right training

17 October 2012
Uk Martial Arts Register
Our school too is registered with the largest UK register of Martial Art clubs http://www.martialartsregister.co.uk/clubdetail.asp?id=1268 . Have a look.
16 October 2012
Want a fight??
As a Martial Artist you can be challenged sometimes to use the arts or your strength. I been in a local pub and somebody asked, if I would take up with him to do arm wrestling, as people say how good I was in sports. He was about 2 stone bigger than me and of cause I turned him down. (even if he would have been a light weight).
This kind of competition is not only useless, it doesn't say anything at all about the winner or looser. Martial Arts is not about competing with an opponent in pubs or elsewhere. It is about yourself and when it comes to the real world, maybe for good self defense reasons.
Similar situation happened last night. A guy bumped into me on the street and tried to bully me. "Don't you know who I am?" he asked me. I just questioned him if he would know who I am. And this reaction took him by surprise.Finally he calmed down and went off. Later I learned he was a local gangster. Ok.
But read this:
King Hsuan of Chou heard of Po-Kung-I, who was reputed to be the strongest man in his kingdom. The King was dismayed when they met, since Po looked so weak. When the King asked Po how strong he was, Po said mildly, " I can break the leg of a spring grasshopper and withstand the winds of an autumn cicada."
Aghast, the King thundered, " I can tear rhinoceros leather and drag nine buffaloes by the tail, yet I am shamed by my weakness. How can you be famous?"
Po smiled and answered quietly, " My teacher was Tzu shang-chi'ui, whose strength was without peer in the world, but even his relatives never knew it because he never used it."
Photo: Don Wilson seminar May 2009, Germany
Text read this: From the book "Zen in the Martial Arts", by Joe Hyams
12 October 2012
08 October 2012
Ichinen Bridport 4th Kyu / Orange belt
The aim of our training at Ichinen Bridport is 98 % self defense orientated. 2% you can count on fun and fitness ;-)
4th Kyu / Orange belt 2012/2013
Break falls
Roll forward, backward roll, roll sideways,
fall forward, -back and sideways and 2 rolls over an obstacle
1 foot throw + hold on the ground
1 hip throw + follow up technique
1 shoulder throw + follow up technique
3 defenses against strangle hold
3 strangling holds
2 hold down + 1 liberation
2 transport grips
2 wrist locks
2 knife defenses
Throat nerve press, control attacker
2 arm locks
5 self defenses in emergency situation
3 Karate techniques
3 Boxing techniques
3 defenses against various weapons/objects
Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Anti-Terrorkampf, Karate, Grading system, natural + unnatural weapons, self defense and the law, Japanese terms, Dojo etiquette, 1.aid.
Minimum training required is 3 months.
03 October 2012
Congratulation Chinnor!
Master Horst Lindenau and Colin Poole - AMA certificate |
Congratulations and keep it going. Well done!
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