12 March 2003

The elephant becomes the mascot of Ichinen Bridport

In March 2003 Master Horst Lindenau introduced the elephant as the mascot of Ichinen Bridport martial arts school. Elephants form deep family bonds called a herd. The herd is led by the oldest and often largest female. Elephants are extremely intelligent animals. Elephants are known for their enormous memory, strength and very good social behaviour. That’s why we have chosen them as our mascot. Unfortunately they are under big threat in nature wildlife and need much protection.

The elephant becomes the mascot of Ichinen Bridport in 2003

09 March 1995

09 March 1994

Zen in the martial arts

 In 1994 I crated a Japanese Zen garden in the village of Symondsbury / Dorset / UK.

It was done by the help of several of my martial arts students and other friends. the building of it took twelve months. The size was about 100 square meters and one had to enter via a small gate.


Stone of courage in the former Zen garden

One inspiration to build the garden came by reading this book:

"Zen in the martial arts"