12 June 2016

Martial Artist attacked by a group

Martial artist attacked by a group (text taken from http://www.presseportal.de/polizeipresse/p_story.htx?firmaid=35235)

"In der Nacht auf Sonntag wurde in der Innenstadt ein 25 Jahre alter Bremer überfallen. Eine Gruppe von sechs bis acht Personen schlug ihn nieder und entwendete Geld aus seinem Portmonee. Der 25-Jährige wurde im Bereich Marktplatz - Domshof - Domsheide von Mitgliedern der Gruppe angesprochen: "Geld her oder es knallt! Die Forderung ignorierend setzte der Bremer seinen Weg zunächst zu Fuß fort. Zwei Gruppenmitglieder erwiesen sich aber als besonders aggressiv und griffen ihn an. Da der 25-Jährige über langjährige Kampfsporterfahrung verfügt, setzte er sich zur Wehr und rang seine beiden Gegner nieder. Das war für den Rest der Gruppe das Zeichen, ebenfalls auf den Angegriffenen loszugehen. Mehrere Personen schlugen -unter anderem mit einem Teleskopschlagstock- auf den Sportler ein, verletzten ihn dabei und raubten ihn aus."

Well I better translate: A man with several years experience in the Martial Arts was robbed, beaten and injured in the City of Bremen. (That’s where I come from, that’s why I mention it here). At first there is nothing so unusual with this incident. Fights, robbery, all this is common nowadays.

What I like to point out is, you might train even for years some Martial Art. But when it comes to a real street fight, often the Martial Artist finds he is helpless. Why is that? First, there is a different environment, not the comfy dojo. Then there is no referee who says “Yame”, when one gets injured. And last not least, the real fight in the streets can take longer than the 2 or 3 minutes rounds in a competition.

Final it is all a question what you looking for in your Martial Arts. We here at Ichinen Bridport do Jiu-Jitsu (Saddam Hussein would have said: “The mother of the Martial Arts”). And one of our main aims to do so, is to train the best of street self defence! The best self defence is provided by Anti Terror Combat. You can learn these skills too at Ichinen Bridport martial arts school.

Update  >>> 
Anti Terror Combat is now called BlackCombat!

12 May 2016

20 months of hard training for the Jiu-Jitsu green belt for Andy

Our member Andy Loudon joint Ichinen Bridport martial art school in september 2014 at the age of 42. Today, 20 months later and after serious and hard training under the supervision of Bridport Sensei Horst Lindenau, Andy passed his grading for 3rd Kyu (green belt) in the martial art style Jiu-Jitsu.

Andy trained on average every week twice in the club and made an enormous progress since he started. And: "I am fitter and healthier with my training and definitely learned some serious self defence skills. Beside that I like the traditional way we learn this martial art in the school and of cause it's a really good team here. Thank you all to assist me in such a great way and special thanks to our Sensei Master Horst."

This is how the syllabus looks like to become a Jiu-Jitsu green belt at Ichinen Bridport.

3rd Kyu / green belt                                                                                        January 2015

Break falls
roll forward, backward roll, roll sideways, all left and right
fall forward, -back and sideways and 2 rolls over an obstacle + 3 free choice

2 Feet throws + follow up technique
Hip throw + follow up technique
Shoulder throw + follow up technique
1 self falling technique
4 defenses against stranglehold
4 strangling holds
3 hold down + 2 liberations
3 transport grips
3 wrist locks
Throat nerve press, control attacker
3 arm locks
3 defense against bear hugs
3 Kicks
5 defenses against various weapons/objects
3 show use of unnatural weapons
1 fight against minimum orange belt, 3 min
Defense against 2 attackers at same time, 2 min

Each one defence against following situations:

1. One person pushes, hands to chest, followed by the pusher striking to the head.
2. A swinging punch to the head.
3. A front clothing grab, one handed, followed by a punch to the head / or a head butt
4. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by the knee to the groin.
5. A bottle or glass to the head.
6. A lashing kick to the groin
7. A slash with knife

Theory: General knowledge/see the school worksheets

Minimum training required for the green belt is 6 months from orange grade. 2 Martial Art Seminars or equal value grading in other systems required. Candidate must be able to run a class, including warm up.

06 May 2016

Lewis A. Harris is our new martial artist of the month

Ichinen Bridport is proud to announce that the martial artist of the month May 2016 is Lewis A. Harris.
Lewis is a true martial artist. 64 years old and still rolling. The photo shows Lewis performing the basic martial art kata for his recent green belt grading April. Lewis is a member of our school since November 2014 and before that he trained 7 years Krav Maga in Exeter and holds a green belt grade in this art. Before he trained Kyokushinkai Karate and in this style Lewis is a brown belt. Well done Lewis, congratulation from all of us!!

Martial artist Lewis A. Harris showing the basic martial art kata

29 April 2016

64 years old - and still rolling! And three new 8th Kyu Karate grades at Ichinen Bridport

64 years old and still rolling, that's about the story of Lewis A. Harris. A fine martial artist for a long time with grades in Krav Maga (green belt) and Kyokushin Karate (brown belt). Lewis is a member of local Bridport martial art school Ichinen Bridport since the year 2014 and graded now as 3rd Kyu /green belt in Jiu-Jitsu.

His grading was watched by the Ichinen grading commission under Master Horst Lindenau (Jiu-Jitsu) and after his exceptional performance Master Horst handed a well deserved 3rd Kyu/green belt certificate to Lewis. Well done Lewis and a big congratulation from all of us at Ichinen Bridport!!

25 April 2016

Loders Dojo martial art session now two hours

From now on the Jiu-Jitsu training at the Loders Dojo will be two hours. Start at 7 pm as usual and finishes at 9 pm. That way we have much more time and effectivity. The one day we are in the small Dojo it is from now on mindfulness training. Meditation, Kata and psychological combat tactics. This session will be one hour.

Beginners and new members with experience always very welcome. Martial art training for everybody in Bridport and surrounding villages. Ichinen bridport martial art school: The number when when you want to learn self defence in the South West.

02 April 2016

Jiu-Jitsu / JuJutsu / Jujitsu ?

Hold on the ground Jiu-Jitsu technique

What means Jiu-Jitsu?

Literally spoken, it is the gentle art, the technique of suppleness and flexibility. Jitsu means art in Japanese and when you translate the Japanese into all the other languages it also known as Ju Jutsu, Jujutsu, Jujitsu or written with a hyphen as in Jiu-Jitsu or Ju-Jitsu. The confusion already starts when you move from one country to another as I did. 

What is Jiu-Jitsu in Germany is wrongly taken as BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) in Britain. And so on... But as we say, names are sound and echo.

Today we have uncounted styles all over the world and that is very much the same than at the time this popular combat system can traced back in history. In ancient Japan in the late 17th to mid 19th century there were over 700 different systems. All based on the same principle, the gentle art. Winning by losing. What counts most is the effectiveness in combat. And that includes the armed and unarmed skills.

Jiu-Jitsu techniques include striking and kicking, kneeing, throwing and choking, joint locking, holding and tying. And all these skills are or can be combined with weapons. Therefore it is a truly all round combat system and today very much used for self defence.Useful for men and women and all ages.

18 February 2016

At Ichinen Bridport we take 1st aid serious

To improve the safety of our local Bridport martial art school, we have introduced now the position of a "first aid officer". Our  member Trevor Barton is from now on in that role. Trevor is fully trained and certified and will assist Master Horst Lindenau in the future with any issues they might occur regarding first aid and safety of the school.

Master Horst Lindenau just passed a refresher course for the martial art first aid and as the chief coach of Ichinen Bridport self defence school he will be still fully in charge and responsible anything regarding health and safety of the club and the first aid in general.

02 February 2016

More outdoor training

I love Mondays! And I love the off season! Since it became ever so busy now during the summer in this beautiful part of the world, every little relief of that is welcomed. Walking the beach, hardly any people, no packs of dogs and no grockles. What a brilliant place. And keep that spot on mind. That's exactly where we will do some extra training with our Ichinen Bridport martial art school. Watch this space.


27 January 2016

Fist or claw? What do you use?

During a fight it is very likely that one launches a fist punch. Although the fist is a very good human tool to be used in a fight, there is an alternative for use in a fight. I think of the claw. The claw is probably the oldest human weapon. Applied at the right moment, executed professional and used with brut force the claw becomes quick the latest human weapon. Highly recommended for the Jiu-Jitsu self defence by Anti Terror Combat Master Horst Lindenau (6th Dan red belt). He knows what he is talking about!

Update  >>> 
Anti Terror Combat is now called BlackCombat!

19 January 2016

Book review: From student to master

Book review: From student to master

This book, published end of 2015 is not just another one added to the big number of martial art volumes. With the original title “Vom Schueler zum Meister” (which can be translated to “from student to master”) it is now the 8th edition of this famous work. While previous editions been released by Grandmaster Horst Weiland (+), the present one was written by Claude Weiland. He is a fine martial artist too and the son of the originator of this title.

Back in the 90’s the 5th edition was my number one when it came to any information required regarding the different martial art styles I covered. This new available work is just doing the same; the reader has got a source of all styles and disciplines which are taught within the “Budo Akademie Europa”, (Budo academy Europe, BAE) a martial arts organisation which goes back to 1970.
Although I do miss certain features from the previous editions, I like to approve this new book from Claude Weiland at most. (Of cause, we oldies’ guys will always miss some of the stuff we brought up with J).

 As the official compendium of the BAE, it contains detailed and complete information about the 14 different styles taught today. The chapters of the main subjects like Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, ATK-self defence, Ajukate, Karate, Kickboxing, TKD and Kung Fu not only give the student a great help on the way, but masters themselves will find it extreme useful in daily teaching and running classes.

The book is written in German, but I am sure it has got a value to non German readers too, as Tsuki and a Kesa Gatame is the same all over the world. And when I once borrowed my old edition to a student of mine, he was pleased with it and said: “That kind of book should be available in English, it’s ever so good.”

The 8th edition “Vom Schueler zum Meister“ , by Grandmaster Claude Weiland, paperback, 262 pages, ISBN 978-398117621-0-5, you can buy it direct via the BAE in Wilhelmshaven/Germany, shop@depice.com or www.depice.com

02 January 2016

Are you 45?

How old are you?
Ok, if you not 45 it doesn't matter. At Ichinen Bridport martial arts school the age range goes from 11 to 64. And it is never too late to start a serious program of strength and endurance training. At Ichinen Bridport you will get both and surplus you will learn some useful skills for personal self defence. You never know when you might need these skills. Times are not getting easier...

But that is not all. By learning a traditional japanese martial art Jiu-Jitsu, you will gain much more than physical fitness. Concentration, self confidence, humbleness and yes, even happiness you will get out of your weekly exercise.

Start your own way every Thursday at the Dojo British Legion Hall in Bridport. Training starts at 7pm. See you there!

24 December 2015

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Master Horst leading a public meditation in the former school of art / Symondsbury / UK

29 November 2015

Martial arts experts offer their skills in Dorset

For all martial artists in the South West, Bridport, Weymouth, Dorchester, Taunton, and Yeovil area: On Sunday the 13th of December 2015 there is a special knife seminar hosted by the Bridport martial art school Ichinen Bridport. Master Horst Lindenau (Jiu-Jitsu) teaches the very best of self defence in this tuition.
The seminar starts at 1 pm at the Dojo Loders village hall (Loders, Dorset) and the training is suitable for all martial artists from the region. Seminar will be four hours training and every participant will receive a certificate. Please book through this pages contact form.

19 November 2015

Weapon training for self defence at Bridport martial arts club

"Self defence training without weapon training is like swimming without water"!

Since we started out training, we always included the weapon training. As the knife and a short short stick been chosen first, today the weapon training includes gunpoint skills, defence against chemical and tear gas sprays, base bats and broken bottles too.

You better train yourself today, because the muggers to that already!!

Join Ichinen Bridport, the no.1 martial arts school in Dorset. Jiu-Jitsu, BlackCombat and special self defence seminars - all in one hand - all professional and education you can rely on.

11 November 2015

Children train martial art and self defence in Bridport

*** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW ***

Master Horst Lindenau offers a new class for children in the Bridport area. The group is designed for kids from 6 - 14 years. Master Horst has got more than 25 years of experience as a black belt teacher for the martial arts. Since than Ichinen Bridport martial art school has taught already 2 generations of students.

Your child will learn and improve valuable skills for life. We teach the children force and energy, elasticity, respect, patience, humbleness, discipline, stamina, skill, self control, friendship and there will be lots of fun too!!

Places are limited to 15 children. Who comes first, learns first!

The teaching will be in the Dojo at the British Legion Hall, Bridport, Victoria Grove, DT6 5AD. Lesson starts at 5.30 pm. Please come early enough to register. 

First lesson is £ 10 and the second one is free! To join the group the monthly fee is only £ 30 and we keep on with training during half terms. Any questions left for you you are welcome to contact the school on 07968-235486

*** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW *** NEW ***

06 November 2015

No 1: The pusher striking first to the head!

Here at Ichinen Bridport martial arts school we have chosen to train the most common situations we could come across according to Law Enforcement. The agency monitors the public and releases lists of the most likely attacks they can happen to you.

The list reads like a “who's who” of hurting and injure someone. And if this someone doesn’t want to be yourself, you better do something now to prevent it.

Join one of our martial art sessions either in Bridport or Loders. Five time a week we train. You can choose from three different styles and our black belt masters are all 100% professional, very skilled, fully DBS checked and of course first aiders too.

Don’t want to become a victim of this? ...

1. One person pushes, hands to chest, which is normally followed by the pusher striking first, to the head.
2. A swinging punch to the head.
3. A front clothing grab, one handed, followed by punch to the head.
4. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a head butt.
5. A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a knee to the groin.
6. A bottle, glass, or ashtray to the head.
7. A lashing kick to the groin or lower legs.
8. A broken bottle or glass jabbed to face.
9. A slash with knife, most commonly a 3 to 4" lock blade knife or kitchen utility knife.
10. A grappling style head lock.

(10 most common attack according to Law Enforcement)

... do something now! Come and join us.

Thursday at 7.00 pm martial arts for adults from the age of 15 in Bridport, Dojo British Legion Hall, Victoria Grove.

01 October 2015

Come and join our friendly and professional martial arts school

You are looking for martial arts training? Why not join our school Ichinen Bridport? You can train at different venues each week. Some students do once a week training, some attend to all three. Choose what suits you best.

Training is Thursdays in the Bridport Dojo at the British Legion Hall, Victoria Grove and Tuesdays in the Loders Dojo at Loders Village Hall. Starts at 7.00 pm for 1 1/2 hours training.

We look forward to see you soon :)

13 September 2015

Over 3000 people visited this Jiu-Jitsu platform with over 20.000 page views

America is catching up with Germany soon. 662 unique visitors came so far from Germany and now the US are close to overtake them. Welcome all visitors world wide!

31 August 2015

Strong and confident

You like to be stronger and gain more confidence? Come and join us at our local Bridport martial art school. You can train from one to four times a week whatever suits you. Ichinen Bridport is run by sensei Horst Lindenau with over 25 years of experience as a professional teacher for martial arts.

Trainings are on Tuesdays at 7 pm at Dojo Loders village hall, Loders and Thursdays at 7 pm at Dojo Bridport, Victoria Grove.